Wednesday, June 22, 2011


AAAAHHHH... I'm being abandoned for 5.5 days.  I just dropped off what feels like my entire universe, at the airport.  Cue rapid breathing and anxiety pit in stomach... In lieu of breathing into a paper bag and sending panicky texts to Matt reminding him to call me when they get there... I'm going to try to be more productive.  I'm going to blog.  Bear with me, it might be a (very) long 5.5 days...  

Top 10 things to do/not do while abandoned

1) Listen to the quiet.  Enough to appreciate the solitude, not so much to actually get used to the solitude; mustn't have culture shock when reality resumes on Monday.

2) Avoid ABBA at all costs! You are entering an ABBA free zone... for the next 5.5 days.  Goodbye my 'Dancing Queens' you will be missed.

3) Try to study for my 'Boob Whisperer' exam.  Can we say "Test Anxiety", um yeah... Where's the paper bag.

4) Feed the dogs.  Cannot. forget. to feed. the dogs.

5) Do not embark on giant any home improvement projects.  This one is really hard for me.  This is my usual response to anxiety, which in return usually causes Matt significant anxiety... Yin and Yang ya'll, Yin and Yang.  I will not strip the mantle, I will not paint (anything), I won't even sand the porch... I may allow myself yard work but that's a slippery slope my friends... a slippery slope...

6) Walk the mutts. I will be conducting a small minimally scientific study on now many dog miles equates to the general dog fatigue that is elicited by one 3 year old (the 5 year old doesn't really count because I'd have to calculate hours away at school etc, etc, etc... just too complicated).

7) Keep the guppy alive.  I'll try... However, let me just say that Gwen's new little BFF 'Rosie' leaves a little something to be desired in the "pet fish" department.  She's not a pretty guppy, she's practically see through and not in a 'kinda cool cave fish at the zoo' sort of way. And I don't think she likes me.

8) Listen to grown up music.  In addition to being ABBA free, I will be listening to music that my children don't like, music that my children aren't allowed to listen to and perhaps even {gasp} new music that I can leisurely peruse and purchase in iTunes without distraction.  Oh my. Lookout.

9)  Try not to work a bunch of OT.  Well we'll just see about that... I may just have to have that be my mantra.  

10) Cook for one. I haven't done this since college.  I'm at a loss for words on this one.

Any other ideas?  I'll take any you can dish.  Now I just have to decide what to do first... I'll start with a lot of #2, and a little #8... 

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