Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The End of the Snow

Finally, today, I think the snow is almost gone.  More than a week with snow on the ground is totally crazy around here.  In fact, I don't remember this happening here... like ever, in my life.  To say we were suffering from a bit of cabin fever would be a gross understatement.  I was just the lucky one who got to go off to work four of those days.  The snow itself wasn't that bad at all.  Our problems came with the ice.
The morning that the snow was deepest and best, it was sleeting by the time the girls were dressed to go play in it.  They couldn't manage the walk to the University campus to sled, so Matt piled the snow on our back patio stairs and the girls took turns sledding down the stairs.  Our almost 10 inches of snow became topped with a half inch of solid ice over the course of that day.  Our house became encrusted with half an inch of solid ice.  I had to shovel a trail into the yard for the dog because the icy crust was up to his belly.  I walked to work wednesday in silent peace, in 10 inches of snow, but by the time my shift was over it was a crusty mess.  On friday when I walked to work the sidewalks were littered with broken trees and shards of ice as sharp and treacherous as broken glass.  I walked down the middle of the road to avoid the overhanging trees laden with ice.  I listened to the trees crack the whole way to work.  There is one block on my route where the trees are so big that their branches become intertwined high above the middle of the street.  As I approached that block, littered with big black branches, I could hear the ice falling out of the trees.  It sounded like it was raining marbles.  I ran up that block, not like a giant chunk of ice wouldn't hurt me if I was running... I was just banking on the fact that 15 seconds of potentially being blitzed with ice was better than 2 min of pelting.  However, the relief that I felt when I saw my building ahead of me was briefly halted when I also saw security vehicles and about 10 guys from our security, grounds crew, and engineering departments outside of the door I usually enter, and the whole area taped off.  It seems, giant slabs of ice were falling off of the building.  And sure enough, as I stood there talking to the security guard a slab of ice about 2 feet long fell off of the building and down to the street.  Yikes.  I'm feeling not so bitchy about the rain these days.  All in all, we were quite lucky, we never lost power and other than a couple of trees in our front yard that look like they were pruned by a toddler, we didn't have any major landscaping failures.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What's your excuse?

Overheard this week in this crazy house:

1.     Me: "Tula, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
        Tula: "No! I'm tap dancing!"

2.     Me: "Tula, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
        Tula: "No. I'm just silly walking."

3.     Me: "Tula, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
        Tula: "No. I'm just wiggly."

4.     Me: "Tula, do you have to go to the bathroom?"
        Tula: "No. My toe just itches."

And it's only Tuesday...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Quoth the Raven...

We were out for a walk in the snow today and came upon this bossy little crow, yelling at us from his perch. I find crows generally a little creepy, I'll blame Poe for that, and a high school English teacher that was a bit too into Poe.  But, after chasing my kids around with the camera for days now with no great pictures to show for it, I thought it was funny that this silly crow was demanding to be shown off.

 then, she {snapped}



On the phone, discussing the snowfall with Grammy and Grampy.

I am so glad that the weather gods decided to dump snow on my weekend off of work.  Don't get me wrong, I don't love the snow.  The kids love the snow.  And I like it just fine, in moderation.  I like visiting snow.  I like how it crunches under my feet.  I like how it makes everything quiet and soft.  I like how it can add up to inches and inches even when you didn't even hear it fall.  I like how it makes even dark nights seem bright.  Here are some pics of our snow days ~so far~ I'm sure there's more to come...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thank you Romulo


Thank you Romulo, for making my girls favorite birthday
Today is my baby's birthday.  She's 4 now.  Sophisticated and what not.  A few weeks ago she asked if we could open our last can of Cougar Gold on her birthday "because it's my favorite."  Of course, I said yes, which generated a whispered "YESSSSSS!"  We have often been teased by family and friends for having the meat drawer of our fridge filled with pounds of various cheeses.  But what can I say, it's delicious.  And Tula knows it.  She got to open some presents this morning and we had her party last weekend, but I think my favorite birthday moment with her this year has to be opening that silly can of beautiful cheese.  She was so excited.  Makes me proud to be a coug, uh, I mean a mom.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Share and Share Alike

Me: walking out of the girls' room at bedtime.
Gwen: "Mom, I need a drink of water."
Me: "K, just a sec." (I remember doing this to my mother nightly... mental note to thank her next time I see her...)
Moments later...
Me: Handing Gwen a water bottle, which I (stupid mother) know is Tula's, but don't care, because it's bedtime and I am therefor, almost off duty...
Tula: Shrieking from the top bunk: "NOOOOOOO!! That's MIIIIIIINE!!"
Me: "Tula, really! Can you please just share?"
Tula: "NOOOOOOOO! I HAAATE Sharing!! I don't EVER want to share!" Sobbing...
Gwen: Finishing her drink of Tula's water, satisfied and smirking.  Knowing full well that I had, this time, been the one to make Tula absolutely belligerent.
Me: Handing Tula her water bottle.
Tula: Taking a drink... Pause... WAILING... "It tastes like my sister's BREATH!!!" Angry sobbing...
Me: Dumping out water bottle.  Refilling water bottle.  Returning to belligerent child.  "Is that better?"
Tula: Blotchy, tearstained... "Yes." Sniff.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Just the Beginning

Gwen's big Christmas box did not contain a bicycle like her sister.  Her box contained two gifts.  The two things at the very top of her Christmas list; a talking baby doll, and an iPod.  Wrapped separately and then placed in the giant box so as to not be out gifted by her sister.  The choice of these two things to be at the top of her list seemed curious to me.  At once, both little kid and big kid... knowing that she can't go wrong asking for another baby and knowing that getting a baby for Christmas probably doesn't have the same wow factor as an iPod.

Gwen's at an interesting age right now; very aware of equality and fairness, very in tune to what her friends are doing and saying.  She's alternating at every second, between tantrum throwing toddler and hormonal teen, intermixed with a cool headed kid helping me pick out shoes at the mall...It's a crazy age and it's difficult as a parent, to witness all of this and pick the right battles.  Explaining that "life isn't always fair" feels ridiculous, because I still want it to be fair.  But I know she has to know that.  She has to know that she won't always win.  Other kids will have different skills than she will and she won't always do everything best.  These are things that I still struggle with myself, which is probably also something important for her to know... Someday.  All the while, we're trying to encourage her strength and her independence among her many other talents.  It's exhausting.

My sister-in-law stumbled upon this article the other day.  And just when I needed it most, I got to read about middle childhood.  Like a night out with a bunch of fellow mothers; reassurance. They're learning how, they're taking mental notes, they'll be grown in a blink.  She's stuck in the middle; trying on the grown up words, reading her chapter books with her iPod on, and still wanting to play dolls with Tula.  I can't wait to see who she becomes.

All of us have moments in our childhood where we come alive for the first time. And we go back to those moments and think, This is when I became myself.  
-Rita Dove

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tiny Two Wheeler

Look out world!  There's a new rider out there.  Proudly announcing the newest two wheeled pedal bike rider on the block.  Super-T got a new bike for Christmas.  She's pretty excited to be mastering such a grown-up skill, and before her 4th birthday even!  And we, being good parents, haven't even reminded Gwen that she didn't start riding a two wheeler until she was 6... not that I'm comparing my children or anything... Really, Gwen had much farther to fall than Tula; I can understand her hesitation.  So, girlie's on the go... and having a blast.  Congratulations Tula!

Gwen's box did not contain a bike... more on that later.
Tula had to retrieve the bike wrench.
Ready... Set... GO!