Thursday, February 16, 2012


Most of the time kids are wonderful.  They're silly and cute and sometimes completely inappropriate.  And really really fun...  The house was all a buzz when I got home from work on my birthday.  I was greeted at the door by Gwen.  Showing me, with palpable excitement that she could push her tooth completely perpendicular to her gums.  GROSS!  Seriously, disgusting.  She waited for me to get home from work so that she could have me in the audience when she pulled out her very first tooth.  Gross.  Even though I was cringing and making faces, I was excited for her.  It really is a big deal.  What a big kid.  And lucky for her, the tooth fairy didn't mind her outburst from a few weeks ago...

1 comment:

  1. As an adult, I find loose teeth to be so disgusting. Why do kids get so excited about this? My nephew recently lost his first one and I told him I couldn't believe he was old enough to lose a tooth and he looked at me, put his hands on his hips, and said, "Well, I am six and a half."
