Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Once upon a time...

I was going to do a Halloween post about the girls but I got distracted.  I was randomly reminded of this picture from high school.  It's a Halloween costume party --really it is, can't you tell?-- at Matt's house when we were all 16.  I know I was dressed as Adam (our bleached bombshell friend in the back) and I have no idea what Matt was dressed as... but that was pretty much typical dress for him in those days.  Flash forward 15 (gasp!), yes 15 years, and this was us this Halloween as the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat.  How quickly time flies.  While we definitely look "mature" now, isn't it funny how some things never change?  Seems quite appropriate that Matt has upgraded from a simple Coca-cola can hat to an Imported British Ale top hat.  Oh, how distinguished we have become in our old age!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I so remember this!!! And Matt has grown up but has he really matured? Thanks!
