Monday, May 16, 2011

My girl

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
Dr. Seuss

My daughter's raw instinct for comedic timing is amazing.  Sometimes she knows she's funny but most of the time it's just subtle and perfect.  I am constantly inspired by her ability to find joy and humor in the most mundane of things.  Children are amazing little balls of raw emotion; joy, frustration, pain, humor... a pendulum that is constantly swinging from one emotion to then next.  Exploring life constantly, through action and reaction and feeling...  It's magnificent to watch a person create their personality before your very eyes.

Thursday we were out working on the yard.  Matt and I were weeding and Tula was scouring the weed piles for worms.  She thinks worms are fantastic (this week).  I think she only likes them because she thinks "potty talk" is hilarious and she knows that worms poop dirt.  (We have a worm bin that the kids find disgusting and fascinating.)  Anyways, she was walking around the yard giggling with a worm wriggling in her gloved hand when she shouts to both of us, and really anyone within 50 yards... "AAHHHH!  That worm just pooped in my hand!!  That is so inappropriate! and HILARIOUS!" And she laughed uproariously.  Gross.

She's really into telling long animated stories right now and since she doesn't get out much, most of her stories revolve around families.  Moms and dads, babies, sisters and brothers... but she doesn't completely understand the relationship between the characters.  Because of this, all of her stories end up sounding like really complicated baby daddy kind of scenarios, complete with fantastic anecdotal information.  i.e. "my baby's sister's grandpa likes to ride the xtracycle"  Her stories are really easy to ignore with a "oh really?" or "wow" or "uh huh" but when you actually listen to them they are brilliant.  Almost all of her characters names are based on variations of names of people that she knows.  Most of the females are variations of "Tina" (tina, bina, nina, leena, gina...) and the male names could be anything, but usually not real words.  Today we were walking home from taking Gwen to school and I (a captive audience) was actually listening.

This was the story:  "My baby is really really tiny, she used to live in my belly but now she doesn't but she's still really really tiny, her name is bina and she has a big sister who's tiny too and her name is heena I think, yeah heena and their grandpa is really really funny and his name is heenis, not penis, because that's a potty word,  his name is heenis, and he's really funny...." and on and on and on... with no pauses for a half a mile at a preschoolers walking pace (I wasn't carrying her this time).

I can't wait to see who she becomes.

1 comment:

  1. She is so amazing and HILARIOUS!!! Thanks for giving me a smile today!
