Sunday, April 10, 2011

Diggin' in the Dirt

The rain stopped for gasp two whole days with only a few sprinkles.  Just as the raindrops started to disappear from the forecast (however briefly) my shipment arrived from Burnt Ridge.  I figured it was safer this year to just order online and try to minimize the spontaneous purchases as our local nursery... I still ended up heading out to our local fantastic Portland Avenue Nursery anyway, it was a nice idea.  Yesterday I was able to get our new raspberry plants, Gogi Berry, Autumn Olive, and dwarf Cherry tree all into the beautiful ground without getting soaked with rain.  The sun was occasionally out but it was still quite chilly.  Today we headed to the nursery for tomato starts (they will hang out in the garden window for the next several weeks) and another Columnar Apple.  Still lingering on the to-do list is to plant our low bush blueberries and new strawberries. We had a great time digging in the dirt, hunting for worms and getting good and dirty.  There is something supremely therapeutic about nurturing plants to grow.  I love that my girls play in the dirt and are starting to recognize the magic that lives in nature.

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.  -Kahlil Gibran

1 comment:

  1. glad to find your blog sarah. looking forward to keeping tabs on you girls. ;)
