So, something like a month ago Hubby got a job. He wasn't looking, it just sort of fell into his lap... er, hand perhaps?
An old friend of ours and her husband own a small Seattle brewery and they asked Hubby if he would be their Tacoma beer rep. After much hesitation and deliberation he said he'd give it a go. My husband has an engineers brain, an environmentalists conscience, and a politicians gift for gab. Besides all that, he's frugal... quite frugal. Salesmen have no hope of hocking their product to him, he's done fine without it thus far, so obviously he just doesn't need it. Salesman? Hubby? I have known him for 15 years and never have I imagined him a salesman, but alas... it's beer, and it's good beer, so I guess the salesman part isn't so much. In the end... he's out of the house two days a week, and he gets paid to talk about beer and perform "quality control". How in the world did that happen? Apparently the stars were aligned perfectly and they were in the shape of a pint glass.
So me? Well, I'm getting used to having the household tasks be solely mine two days each week, which I must say is more difficult than I remember it. And I'm getting used to having empty kegs, firkins and coolers on my porch, which I must say is making me feel a bit like a party girl living in a frat house (except for the fact that I didn't get any of the beverages in aforementioned beverage storage units!).
In any case, I'm warming up to the new life of having two working parents. It's odd, sometimes uncomfortable, and kinda hard to explain, but this working thing is working out.
Last week Hubby's new work had a potluck for the employees and their families. Every employee picked an ingredient and the group made a small batch brew. The fam-damily et al got a mini lesson in micro brews and in 10 days time we can throw back a pint of the new brew. Good times had by all and the girls got to try out their new role as brewery rats. I think they liked it.
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