Monday, April 16, 2012

Bass Guitar Birthday

While my big girl has always amazed me with her flair for fluff; all things tulle and lace, my wee one has surprised me with her eye for power and strength.  This year's birthday request was no different when all 30lbs of her asked me to please make her a hot pink bass guitar birthday cake.  Not only was she serious, dead serious, she knew exactly what a bass guitar should look (and sound) like.  So I, the obliging mother, set off to hunt down the means to make my little girl's dream come true.  And being a glutton for punishment (read:high maintenence) I refused to allow myself the out of simply buying the cake at a bakery.  As foolish as it may seem, I refuse to buy cakes.  
I started by sending Matt to the Top Foods to selectively dig through their candy bins (poor guy, he sure hates to have to pick out candy...) On the list was black licorice pinwheels for the guitar strings, and some kind of gumdrop candies that I could flatten out for the pick guards and such.  

I found a decent picture of a bass guitar on-line and printed it out to a size that would fit on the cake.  I then traced it and layered the tracings under waxed paper and piped my favorite homemade buttercream frosting onto the waxed paper.  Piped waxed paper then went into the freezer; nice thing about butter cream is that it freezes really quickly.  Once it was frozen I quickly and gently slid it onto the cake while removing the waxed paper from underneath.  

Then I just added the finishing touches and blazow... Hot pink bass guitar birthday cake.  She was pretty stoked.  Matched her Dance Party theme pretty well.  We rocked David Bowie, Queen  and Taylor Swift like there was no tomorrow.

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