On our way home from a recent road trip, we made an emergency stop at a craft store. Yes, it was an emergency. Sanity was on the line. We picked up 200 pipe cleaners and two tiny styrofoam parakeets from the clearance bin. This $5 purchase enabled us to drive from Yakima to Tacoma without anyone losing their mind. They made birdcages and bird beds and bird blankets and all things bird related with the pipe cleaners and brainstormed good bird names for their new pets. Tula was struggling with a name for her bird and in trying to help her I rattled off a few names...
Me: "George, Sophie, Roberta?"
Tula: "No, that's not it."
Gwen: "Very funny, Mom."
Me: "What?"
Gwen: "Roberta?"
Me: "I don't get it."
Gwen: "Ra-bird-a. Gah, mom really."
Tula: "Ra-BIRD-a! Ya get it?" Laughter on top of laughter.
Gwen: Eye rolling and laughing in a car full of laughter.
I wasn't even trying, but man am I glad these kids get our jokes.