We climbed in and practiced our princess waving skills along with our candy chucking skills. I think I was in the back surrounded by balloons for only a couple of minutes when I started to notice a wheeze, a sniffle, and a cough. I looked at my mom and said "Hmm, I might have to walk, these balloons might be a problem." My mom in earnest motherly fashion looked worried and said "Oh yeah, Latex! Do you need to get out?" I said, "Nah, I'm ok right now. There's a firetruck ahead of us, I'm sure they have Benadryl if it gets bad." Wink. Mom's used to my sarcasm but I could feel her watching me every time I coughed.
The parade was lovely and brief. Thankfully the town of DuPont seems to LOVE balloons, and my latex torture was diminished with every handful that was given away. Once it was all over and done with, me and my two whiny girls made the 1.2 mile trek back to the van with only the usual volume of bribery. My eyes are still itchy and my throat is still scratchy, I'm ready for some Allegra... But it really was a lovely morning.
One note about DuPont... Most streets don't go through, many are ridiculous semi-circles and it would appear that NONE of them are numbered. Thank goodness I wrote down the names of the streets at the intersection that I parked on and had my phone to guide me back. Shame on you city planner! I have one word for you: GRIDS! :)