Winter birthdays, ugh. My birthday is in February. I've always thought that having a February birthday sucks. As a kid I never had the cool parties, the pool parties the BBQ's. And now my poor second daughter not only doesn't have a summer birthday, she has an early January birthday. I take full responsibility for this poor birthdate planning, a total oversight on my part... Early January, I must say, is even worse than February. Everyone (read: mom and dad) is broke, everyone is exhausted, and everyone just saw you two weeks ago at Christmas... I can only imagine that motivation is scarce for friends and family to venture out in the nastiness to brave a ~gasp~ retail establishment for an obligatory gift, and then to hang out in a crowded house and watch a now three year old spit on a cake. But... maybe that's just me.
As a parent, trying to muster excitement for birthday festivities while still in the post Christmas funk, was difficult at best. But I did it.
So, my sweet little chickie wanted herself a Strawberry Shortcake birthday cake. In retrospect this could have been done quite simply with a store bought cake. But that's totally not my style. I don't buy cakes. I make cakes. So, I set out to find a SSC cake pan or something that would crossover as SSC cake pan. I searched... and I searched... and I procrastinated... and I searched. Eventually I realized that the
super cute cake pan that I wanted was completely imposable to find in a timely (read:today) manner. So, I changed gears... I started digging into baking sites and I found a brilliant idea. I have no idea what site it was on so I unfortunately, can't give credit where credit is due. I will say that it wasn't my idea, but whoever figured it out is a genius.
Here's what you do:
•Print out a picture of whatever you want on the cake
•Set a piece of waxed paper over the picture
•Pipe directly onto the waxed paper exactly as you want it on the cake
•Lay the frosted wax paper flat in the freezer, freeze.
•Once frozen, peel the wax paper off the back of the design and set the design directly onto your prepared frosted cake.
I must say that I was pretty sure it was all going to go down in sticky pink flames. No pictures were taken to document the failure that I anticipated. I so wish I had some pics of the process... oh well, maybe next time. In the end it turned out pretty good I think. Super-T thought it was perfect!